Star Size Comparison
Carl Sagan Wanderers
Space Colonization
50 Years of Exploration
Pros and Cons of Space Exploration
Spinoff highlights NASA technologies that benefit life on Earth in the form of commercial products. More than 2,000 spinoffs since 1976 — there’s more space in your life than you think!
Click the link above go to the NASA Spinoff main website.
If you click the 3 lines (top left, menu link) you will see direct links to categories that may be of interest.
8:30-9:00 All Teams
Space Colonization 1 - 10 minutes
9:00-9:15 The Right Stuff
50 years of Mars exploration - 5 minutes
Activities in teams:
9:15-9:30 break into teams and describe roles
Phase 1: Exploration:
Mechanical & Software Engineers build and program exploratory robots
Astronomer researches Exoplanets to explore
Architect & Life Systems Specialist design orbiting space station
Phase 2: Outposts and settlements
Mechanical & Software Engineers drive robot on exoplanet surface searching for mineral resources and signs of life
Astronomer, Architect & Life Systems Specialist design and build Exoplanet base station
Phase 3: Colonization
Two or more rovers visit Exoplanet and explore
9:30 VR begins
MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Build a Robotic Rover
1997 - The first rover to land on a planet
Rover building instructions - download from bottom of page
SOFTWARE ENGINEER - Programming a Robotic Rover and all its sensors
coding instructions (hard copy)
ASTRONOMER - Locating a suitable Exoplanet to eventually colonize
Star size comparison - 3 minutes
Exoplanets Reality - 2 minutes
Nasa's Eyes: Find and exoplanet. Complete sheet
Space Station Designer Challenge
ARCHITECT - Designing the structures for colonists to live and work in
NASA HDU (explains some of the modules that will be needed)
Space Station Designer Challenge
LIFE SYSTEMS SCIENTIST - Designing Life Systems to keep colonists alive
Chris Hadfield debunks space myths - 11 minutes
Living in Space in the International Space Station (ISS) - 5 minutes
Space Station Tour - 9 minutes
Building a Mars Base video - 9 minutes
Space Station Designer Challenge
Basic Ingredients of Life
PBS Basic ingredients of Life video
Natural Curiosity
Technological Innovation
DNews - Is Space Travel Worth It?
Colonizing Planets
Waste of Money
Is Space Exploration Worth It? The Royal Institution
Space Exploration is the Worst
Should we be exploring space or the oceans?
Lego Mars Rovers
EV3 Rover with NXT motors (orange/white)
EV3 Rover with EV3 motors (red/white)
Real Mars Rovers
Athena Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
Mars Spirit and Opportunity NASA website
Mars Pathfinder original 1997 website
Space junk
The trash we've left on the moon
Space debris and human spacecraft
General Websites covering all topics:
European Space Agency - SpaceFlight
European Space Agency - Kids site
Canadian Space Agency - Vocabulary
Enchanted Learning - Astronomy
Astronomy Simulations and Animations
NASA - Human Space Flight site