EV3 Introduction

Your first task is to get the EV3 to communicate wirelessly to the laptop using Bluetooth.



You must use Safari (not Chrome)

Bluetooth must be ON and Bluetooth indicator should appear in the menu bar at the top, near the Wifi indicator.


Must be named serialEV## (where ## is two numbers)

Bluetooth must be ON

ipad/iphone must be ON

Once the above is true, then you may follow these steps EXACTLY to connect:

1. Click on the Bluetooth indicator

2. Click PAIR with your EV3 number

3. Watch for a quick flash on the screen of a big number in bold. It will appear and disappear quickly

4. On EV3 go to Bluetooth settings and TURN OFF ipad/iphone setting

5. Go to www.scratchx.org and look for the EV3 extension

6. Launch the extension (you may need to do this several times). Your computer MUST be asked to TRUST the Scratchx website. If you were not, exit Safari and try again.

7. Once your computer TRUSTS scratchx.org, you will hear a "happy" beep. At this point your are connected. You will see a green light.

At this point, you can proceed to Introduction Programming EV3